When I've had to read a FP table in a C/C++ application, I just read it directly. Since the structure of a .DBF is well documented (see below), it's not that hard to write the code - at least to pick off specific data.. You can also use CodeBase ( if you don;t want to write the code.
Here's the header of a .DBF.
Structure for .DBFs - extended for VFP 8.0 (Note: I haven't updated this for the new data types in VFP 9.0, but they are on line in the MSDN VFP 9.0 Help file.)
* Table Header Record Structure
* Byte offset Description
* 0 File type:
* 0x02 FoxBASE
* 0x03 FoxBASE+/Dbase III plus, no memo
* 0x30 Visual FoxPro
* 0x31 Visual FoxPro, autoincrement enabled
* 0x43 dBASE IV SQL table files, no memo
* 0x63 dBASE IV SQL system files, no memo
* 0x83 FoxBASE+/dBASE III PLUS, with memo
* 0x8B dBASE IV with memo
* 0xCB dBASE IV SQL table files, with memo
* 0xF5 FoxPro 2.x (or earlier) with memo
* 0xFB FoxBASE
* 1 - 3 Last update (YYMMDD)
* 4 - 7 Number of records in file
* 8 - 9 Position of first data record
* Please note that the position of the first data record is a number where 0 is the fist byte, so for use with (V)FP
* 1 should be added to this number
* 10 - 11 Length of one data record, including delete flag
* 12 - 27 Reserved
* 28 Table flags:
* 0x01 file has a structural .cdx
* 0x02 file has a Memo field
* 0x04 file is a database (.dbc)
* This byte can contain the sum of any of the above values. For example, the value 0x03 indicates
* the table has a structural .cdx and a Memo field.
* 29 Code page mark
* 30 - 31 Reserved, contains 0x00
* 32 - n Field subrecords, see Field Subrecords Structure below
* The number of fields determines the number of field subrecords. One field subrecord exists for
* each field in the table.
* n+1 Header record terminator (0x0D)
* The following is only true for Visual Foxpro tables.
* n+2 to n+264 A 263-byte range that contains the backlink, which is the relative path of an associated
* database (.dbc) file, information. If the first *byte is 0x00, the file is not associated
* with a database. Therefore, database files always contain 0x00.
* Field Subrecords Structure
* Byte offset Description
* 0 - 10 Field name with a maximum of 10 characters. If less than 10,
* it is padded with null characters (0x00).
* 11 Field type:
* C - Character
* Y - Currency Visual Foxpro
* N - Numeric Visual Foxpro
* F - Float Visual Foxpro
* D - Date
* T - DateTime Visual Foxpro
* B - Double Visual Foxpro
* I - Integer Visual Foxpro
* L - Logical
* M - Memo
* G - General Visual Foxpro
* C - Character (binary)Visual Foxpro
* M - Memo (binary) Visual Foxpro
* P - Picture Visual Foxpro
* 12 - 15 Displacement of field in record
* 16 Length of field (in bytes)
* 17 Number of decimal places
* 18 Field flags: Visual Foxpro
* 0x01 System Column (not visible to user)
* 0x02 Column can store null values
* 0x04 Binary column (for CHAR and MEMO only)
* 0x06 (0x02+0x04) When a field is NULL and binary (Integer, Currency, and Character/Memo fields)
* 0x0C Column is autoincrementing
* 19 - 22 Value of autoincrement Next value Visual Foxpro 8 and higher
* 23 Value of autoincrement Step value Visual Foxpro 8 and higher
* 24 - 31 Reserved
* In (Visual) Foxpro arrays start with 1 so add 1 to the numbers
* in the structure info above in order to get the info with (Visual) Foxpro programs
* So the first 32 bytes contain the info
* Each field adds another 32 bytes to the header
Post by e***@hotmail.comI am writing a C++ dll that needs to be able to "look" at FoxPro table
and "read" it's structure. Can the vfp6r.dll API do this? If yes, is
there some documetation?
I #imported the dll into a C++ program to generate the .tlh, I see a
few methods that might do what I need....but a bit of documentation
would be nice.